Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Breastfeeding - a good start

During week 2, my CL managed to convince me to allow her to bottle feed EJ at night, while I can have a good rest.  I was a little edgy, because I didn't want my supply to drop, if I don't feed him at night.  But a check with Caro and yes, this method seems better, as we could track the amount of expressed breast milk (ebm) that was fed.  A jaundiced baby should be well hydrated.  So from 25 March or so onwards, I started sleeping without needing to get up and feed EJ.  Lovely rest, but the breasts ended up rock hard.  Urgh...engorgement.  I woke up to pump around 4am....

As the days passed, I realised this sleeping at night without waking up to pump is no good for milk supply...I should be pumping every 3 hours!!  Some days are good - I pumped twice at night.  Some days are bad - I only woke up at 5am after sleeping at 10pm.  Some days are good - I pumped in the daytime.  Some days are bad - I can't seem to pump any.  All in all, I think I'm getting paranoid and obsessed.  About freezing bm for future.  Well, you never know when you need to dip into your freezer stash.  I found out that it is common for mummies to get a chest freezer to store bm, but hey, isn't bf supposed to save money?  I don't think I want to spend money to get a chest freezer.  I'm just going to store the bm in my freezer and maybe in my mum's freezer.  We'll see how the supply goes.  But as of now....9 April (day 24), I would manage to store one packet of bm in the freezer from the night pump.  And managed to pump enough for one bottle in the day.  I feel blessed to start off  my breastfeeding journey like this.  With the Medela PISA that was given by my sister, there is no reason not to pump.  A double pump that is efficient just makes life so much easier.  And E was good enough to wake me up at 12 midnight, so that's the second reason why I should pump!  Waking up at 4am is the toughest.  The eyelids really refused to budge at times.  Well, reading blogs on ipad and searching pinterest helps keep the mind going....

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