Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hitting his motor milestones...

Mr Jacob, as affectionately bestowed by his jiejie, Gloria, has been really active and exploratory. Cruising along the sofa... Walking with the walker.... Easy peasy...

Also able to explore his driving toy... Turning the steering wheel and pushing the lever.

And when confined to his play pen with his jiejie, he also has lots to do.

Of course, at times, he will be knocked out. Sleeping in with his jiejie, in his pseudo superman outfit.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Visiting Singapore farms

We has a staycation at Grandparents' place at Hillside while they are away in US. 
Lovely snooze on the two super single beds... It was also my first time sleeping in the room... The aircon overhead was a mighty too chilly but the aircon remote control was left outside. So we bore with the chilly wintry weather till dawn. Lovely snooze for the three kids. Apparently, the younger you are, the earlier you will wake up. V woke up at 10am, albeit rather reluctantly. G at 8am and J at 7am. 

Jacob chomping away on toys....while Jiejie and Daddy watch their cable tv

We went for breakfast at Mac at Bukit Batok. Packed with people! Started drizzling... So off we went for a car ride... Brought them to NTU for a car tour... Then next to Kranji Countryside. We headed to Hay Dairies Goat Farm for fresh goat milk and smell. I was the only one game enough for drinking fresh goat milk, taste almost the same as cow's milk and breast milk! $2.50 for a small bottle, 500ml? Certainly pricey! 

Kiddos have not warmed up yet!!

Gloria warmed up...
Followed by Jacob
Gloria's attempts at being a photographer! 
Gazing at the frogs...
Gloria loves to feed the frogs! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy Sunday....

Sunday is a busy day for the little ones... I always try to let them do a lot of stuff, so that they will knock out early.... See how busy they are!
Jacob can stand up at the door and attempt to pull my card from the elastic spring. Gloria basking along the sofa arm and asking me to take a photo of her.

This is copycat Jiejie Gloria who is always trying to follow what Jacob is doing. 
Crawling into the forbidden zone - balcony. 

Gloria is getting ready to cycle... And Jacob looking on curiously...

Smiley Jacob! Looking at his Jiejie!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hanging out at City Square Mall

Hanging out with daddy is a piece of cake! While waiting for mummy to finish her work....

Friday, September 19, 2014

Creeping and sitting, all in a day's work!

Utter delight on seeing the musical toy 

What's up? You havnt seen me sit before? 

Hello teddy, I heard you are used as a benchmark for my growth. I am 6 mths now and growing steadily!

Joining mummy at work

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

With Grandpa

Grandpa dearest and little Jacob... Jacob is a boy that everyone likes... Smiley... Laughy...and easily strikes up a conversation with almost anyone!

Naked naked....

Simply loves the water... At 5.5 months, he can twist his body left-right, push his feet against the tub and very simply move a lot!!

Shake backside

Truly amazing... Jacob managed to get his bum bum off the ground and shake his backside while he bears weight on his hands and feet! Downward facing dog... Who would think that he can do that at 5.5 mths old? 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fascination with toes

Simple play... Little Jacob is fascinated with his toes at 4.5 months. He loves to touch and grab them whenever we assist him to sit up. His favourite positions are lying on his tummy and sitting up in the stroller. 

Jacob 101 expressions

101 expressions of little Jacob...shocked. Laughing. Pensive. Giggling (maybe not, giggling is for girls). Happy. :)

A little outdoor adventure

First time at Botanic Gardens on National Day... And sitting in stroller while jiejie Gloria chases after bubbles

Exercise time at 4.5 months

Jacob loves to lie on his tummy! First thing he does when you put him on his back, is to flip over! 

Push-up time!  Look at those strong arms and muscles! :)

Time to swim... Kick those legs and kick those arms...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our happy baby - Aug 2014

Yes, Jacob can almost fill up the entire bumbo now! He is a happy baby and his infant care teachers seem to enjoy his company! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jacob's little moments at month 4, going onto month 5

I think Gloria has a similar photo... All babies like the same tricks. :) Jacob seems especially fair in this photo.

Little munchkin getting his first practice at holding his own bottle....